/ 17 srpna, 2022/ Novinky a zajímavosti

Informujeme o vyhlášení soutěže European Statistics Awards organizované Eurostatem. Soutěž pro 1-5 členné týmy v nowcastingu začíná již 1. září 2022. Více informací naleznete v přiloženém dopise:

Dear colleagues of the Czech Statistical Society,

On behalf of Eurostat, we have the pleasure to announce the launch of the European Statistics Awards Programme –beginning with the European Statistics Awards for Nowcasting (starting on 1 September 2022), wherein teams will have the opportunity to compete for prizes amounting to up to EUR 8000 per time series.

We believe that the members of your association (in particular data scientists and time series analysis specialists) would be most interested in signing up for this opportunity, and we would therefore appreciate if you could

– post the announcement, the Flyer, and a link to the European Statistics Awards homepage, on your website

– distribute the announcement (and flyer) to your members (via a newsletter or a mail message) 

– share the announcement (and flyer) with your member organisations (and sister organisations).

You may also wish to share the social media messages (see links in the announcement) about the event on your platforms of choice. 

For more information on the European Statistical Awards Programme, please refer to: –  the announcement on the European Statistics Awards –  the flyer on the European Statistics Awards on Nowcasting

or drop us a line to learn about any further details. 

Many thanks in advance for sharing this information,

The European Statistics Awards secretariat



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